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Neoplax Portfolio

Quality. Durability. Safety.

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We offer a variety of high-strength steel cables designed to withstand heavy loads and challenging environments. Our cables are manufactured with high quality materials, ensuring durability and reliability in all applications.

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Neoplax ratchets are known for their robustness and superior performance. Designed to facilitate tensioning and safety during cargo transport, our ratchets are ideal for a wide range of industrial applications.

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Our winches are designed with advanced technology to deliver precise power and control. Whether for vertical or horizontal lifting operations, Neoplax winches are the reliable choice for tackling complex logistical challenges.

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Neoplax pulleys are designed to optimize load distribution and reduce friction, providing efficiency and safety in lifting operations. Available in different sizes and capacities, we meet the specific needs of each client.

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Neoplax pulleys are designed to optimize load distribution and reduce friction, providing efficiency and safety in lifting operations. Available in different sizes and capacities, we meet the specific needs of each client.

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Neoplax pulleys are designed to optimize load distribution and reduce friction, providing efficiency and safety in lifting operations. Available in different sizes and capacities, we meet the specific needs of each client.

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